Eventide H90 User Manual¶ 1. Introduction 1.1. Key Features 1.2. A Few Words of Advice 1.3. What’s in the Box 2. Hardware 2.1. Top Panel 2.2. Rear and Side 3. Setup 3.1. Simple Guitar Setup 3.2. Two Mono Inserts 3.3. One Stereo Insert 3.4. Wet/Dry Amplifier 3.5. Wet/Dry/Wet Amplifier 3.6. Guitar and Vocals with MixingLink 3.7. Pre/Post Amplifier 3.8. Dual Inserts with a DAW or Mixing Console 4. Terminology 4.1. List 4.2. Program 4.3. Algorithm 4.4. Preset 5. Play Modes 5.1. Select Mode 5.2. Perform Mode 5.3. Quick Knob Assignments 6. Edit Modes 6.1. Programs 6.2. Routing 6.3. Presets 6.4. Parameters 7. System Menu 7.1. Global 7.2. I/O 7.3. Bluetooth 7.4. MIDI 7.5. Preferences 7.6. About 8. Tempo Menu 9. Software Updates 10. H90 Control 10.1. Getting Started 10.2. Home Screen 10.3. Edit Menu 10.4. Program Library 10.5. System 11. Algorithm Guide Delay Distortion EQ Looper Modulation Multi Pitch Reverb Synth Utility A. Tech Support B. Tech Specs C. Global Mapping Chart D. Startup Sequences D.1. Recovery Mode D.2. Clear Current State D.3. Factory Reset E. Legalese 5.1. Safety and Warranty 5.2. FCC Compliance Statement 5.3. Third-Party Licenses